Sunday, November 10, 2013

Back To School: Fall Fashion!

       Hey guys, I know its been some weeks now since my  first two blog posts. I really do apologize, but with the whole settling into college thing, time really hasn't been on my side. So today, I will be discussing back to school fall fashion for any high school students and college students. As a college freshman (a proud one at that!) staying on top of your classes and getting a job can definitely take up A LOT of thinking time and most mornings all you really feel like doing is throwing on some sweats and go!  Trust me, its my second month on campus and I've already started thinking like that. Monday mornings are my personal favorite. With class starting at noon, picking a decent outfit for the day has no stress behind it. Tuesdays are a little more busy but with all the working out that I do, sweats are a safe bet for the rest of the day. On Wednesday, I like to get cozy in class with a Mocha from Starbucks, so I usually wear sweaters. Like Tuesdays, my Thursday schedule is exactly the same so I would just wear sweats again. On Fridays I like to alternate between looks. I'm either in sweaters and jeans or crop top with my jeans jacket and Dr. Martens plus my signature white chocolate Mocha from Starbucks. Sounds like I have my entire closet for the week planned out right? Wrong! I try not to recycle certain shirts or sweaters twice a week. Can't afford to get lazy with it now. Got to stay original. Here are a few tips if your schedule is similar to mines or you just want some new ideas.






         Depending on how cold it is outside, try pairing these outfits with a nice fall coat. The coats that I wear is from new look UK. I wear my red coat on days where a nice beanie can suffice and my blue one is worn on rainy days since that is the only coat with a hood in my closet. Both coats are warm and comfy; perfect for this unpredictable fall weather. I have also started collecting beanies. They are my latest obsession, them and Revenge the television show on ABC (A girl gotta have her favorite show right?!). My autumn days are pretty warm and cozy inside my dorm or a friends dorm relaxing with some snacks and a good movie or show. Midterm week has passed and I plan to post more often since my  writer's block has lifted and inspiration came knocking! I hope that this post, as late as it is did help you or inspire you to coordinate your outfits like I do. Thanks for reading!